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Monthly Archives: October 2012

I’ll be doing Space-night, tomorrow, in Belgium!

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A Neutron Walks into a Bar…

So you thought twitter was cool?! Did you know ‘it’ wrote a book? I don’t mean the founders of twitter, but the tweeple – who share their stories in no more than 140 characters on a daily basis. So this book is like a paper timeline, a collection of favourite tweets between hardcovers. And that’s […]


Sometimes I’m not lecturing for a few months and sometimes I’m doing several a week. After I just got back from Paris, Amsterdam was waiting for me and the Zoo. I was invited to a very hip event: Discovery Festival Amsterdam. A night out, mixed with science. A band in a museum. I wasn’t really […]

Dreux (Back to France again)

Last year in May (which is two school years ago), I was invited to give a ‘conférence’ by the lovely Laurent, who’s a teacher in France. We kept in touch since and in the meantime, he changed schools. Last month I did a lecture at his current school, Lycée Rotrou, in Dreux – a little […]

Just another day in London

I had something official to do in London, so a trip was booked just for the day. But then the official plans got cancelled and I had a Whole Free Day in London (what a gift)! So I asked on twitter who’d like to come for dinner and these three lovely men spontaneously replied. Here’s […]