Is what a boy recently asked me. And actually, yes it is! A while ago I was interviewed for a book about scientific experiments, by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and Quest. I recently found my copy in my mailbox.
Obviously I should mention the book here, as my Voorwerp and I are in it. And the piece about it, with big parts of my interview, is a well written one as well. It explains the matter briefly but clearly, readable for non-scientists and interesting still for scientists.
Which is how the whole book is put together. It looks attractive, with a lot of big, colourful and pretty pictures and I would’ve recommended it if I wasn’t in it too. There’s information about what recent investigations were done in different areas of science. It looks back on developments from the past and sheds light on how recent findings will help us in the future.
It’s one of those books that gives you something to talk about at parties too. Did you know that baby chimps who get minimum personal attention, are less smart and healthy compared to siblings who did get a lot of Tender Love and Care? And that jellyfish living in a lake of seawater, without enemies, can lose their ability to sting? There’s also a page about the surprising outcome of a study in speed dating and on what we can learn from the ‘oh-shit-signal’ in our brains.
So if you’re interested in the latest on computers, education, biology, communication, the environment, outer space and a lot of other areas, check out this book. It’s actually a part two, but the first one is on my ‘wish list’ now.
You can find this book with its number: 9789460440144. (224 Pages, in Dutch).
Thumb’s up Hanny!
Yeah, baby! You have arrived!
Gelieve missen, kan ik uw handtekening te
Thanks guys! And yeah, you can have my autograph Graham, nice try.
Looking at the photo’s the book isn’t pocketformat. contrary, it seems colossal. Great that you’re part of this book!
It’s not a pocket one no, but I finished it in just a few days! Thanks Arie.
Wow, this is very cool, Hanny. I will be the book, even if I have to learn Dutch
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[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Hanny van Arkel and fishmech. fishmech said: hannyvanarkel: And another boy: "Is your discovery already in books, miss?" Yes, it is: [...]