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Beachcombing along the Thames

During the barbecue this weekend, there was a low tide, so Julianne, Annie, the wine, and later also Todd, accompanied me to the beach. I wasn’t aware of all the things you could see along the Thames when you look this closely and we had a great time…

There were different kinds and colours of stones, shells and other materials. Some really old (according to Annie, a.k.a. fountain of knowledge) and some very clean and new. We found many perfect chalk pieces to use in class, for instance…

We came across big things like parts of a ship and little gems like the pieces of old clay pipes. There were also many bits of pottery and as you can see from the pictures, we found a whole cat (it’s the little toy). There were also more natural things, like the heart-shaped stones I found…

The plan is to give them to the boyfriend and say that I went down to the bottom of the Thames to get them for him. As proof if this, Todd took the picture of me next to the wall where you can see how high the water usually rises…

As I remarked what a wonderful time I was having, looking at these ‘treasures’, my friends thought I said I was looking for ‘feathers’. So when I actually found one, I stuck it in my braid where it stayed for the rest of the evening… I am enjoying this holiday.

One Comment

  1. Steven Lantinga | Posted July 25, 2013 at 9:41 pm | Permalink

    How romantic!!! :D


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